2012 March 15

The depth has been stopped at 62m since March 9. The advices from JP and Wolfgang.
Good, 62, Super. I told you already, in 2005, I went 94m without mouthfill and with mask. It took me almost 4 months training, step by step, not burning myself. The theory says it is impossible, but I did. As Guillaume Nery did his CW record in 92 or 93m with mask.
The reel secret is to let your body adapts to the pressure, so you can get completely relax, so your equalisation will be easier. Keep going the practice with the mouthfill and if you can, train BTV which is more saving in air.
I'll be back in Moalboal on the 22 of March.

Dont worry. Many things you can train that bring you deeper. Can you pack with a snorkel ? This way you learn to better use the tongue as a piston. Next step will be to check if you really do a big mouthfill. Then working on frc+mouthfill. Starting with the mouthfill first on the surface and then later the mouthfill deeper 10m. All without max depth.
